Some systems are experiencing issues

Past Incidents

Sunday 1. December 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 30. November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 29. November 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 28. November 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 27. November 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 26. November 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 25. November 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 24. November 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 23. November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 22. November 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 21. November 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 20. November 2019

Phishing simulator Phishing simulator unavailable

Landing pages for simulated phishing have been taken down for maintenance. Availability will be restored as soon as possible, apologies for any service disturbance.

Update 09:15: A new server setup is soon available, check back at 10:00 for new update.

Update 10:17: Issue resolved. We apologise for any inconvenience, although our monitoring indicates that no customers have been affected by this incident.

Tuesday 19. November 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 18. November 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 17. November 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 16. November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 15. November 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 14. November 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 13. November 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 12. November 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 11. November 2019

Customer portal Feil i kundeportalen

Kundeportalen ble utilgjengelig kl. 11:43 på grunn av en oppdatering av underliggende systemarkitektur.

Oppdatering kl. 11:48: Problemet er identifisert og løst. Vi overvåker situasjonen, og beklager eventuelle ulemper.

Oppdatering kl. 11:54: Et ytterligere problem ble identifisert og løst i tilknytning til behandling av mistenkelige epost. Hendelsen har ikke påvirket tjenestekvalitet negativt for sluttbrukere av MailRisk-knappen, kun for administratorer i portalen.

Oppdatering kl. 14:00: Statistikk for MailRisk er delvis utilgjengelig eller inneholder feilaktige data på grunn av en feil i underliggende komponent, vi arbeider med å utbedre dette.

Oppdatering kl. 14:34: Hendelsen skal nå være fikset, vi overvåker situasjonen videre og oppdaterer denne siden dersom vi skulle oppdage nye feil.

Sunday 10. November 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 9. November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 8. November 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 7. November 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 6. November 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 5. November 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 4. November 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 3. November 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 2. November 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 1. November 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 31. October 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 30. October 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 29. October 2019

E-post til Secure Practice ble avvist

I perioden ca. 13:30 til 14:50 ble all inngående e-post til mottakere hos Secure Practice ( avvist grunnet en intern feilkonfigurasjon hos oss. Berørte avsendere har mottatt en feilmelding fra Office 365 som sier at e-posten ikke kunne leveres. Vi ber eventuelle avsendere om å prøve å sende e-posten på nytt igjen til oss nå.

Monday 28. October 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 27. October 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 26. October 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 25. October 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 24. October 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 23. October 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 22. October 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 21. October 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 20. October 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 19. October 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 18. October 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 17. October 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 16. October 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 15. October 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 14. October 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 13. October 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 12. October 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 11. October 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 10. October 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 9. October 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 8. October 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 7. October 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 6. October 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 5. October 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 4. October 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 3. October 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 2. October 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 1. October 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 30. September 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 29. September 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 28. September 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 27. September 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 26. September 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 25. September 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 24. September 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 23. September 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 22. September 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 21. September 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 20. September 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 19. September 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 18. September 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 17. September 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 16. September 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 15. September 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 14. September 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 13. September 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 12. September 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 11. September 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 10. September 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 9. September 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 8. September 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 7. September 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 6. September 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 5. September 2019

MailRisk API API-tjenester nede

Kl 1030 ble tjenesten satt ut av drift etter en oppgradering. Vi arbeider med feilretting.

Oppdatering kl. 1044: Tjenestene er tilbake, og overvåkes. Feilsituasjonen skyldtes et avvik mellom avhengigheter i hhv. test- og produksjonsmiljø, og vi iverksetter tiltak for å unngå lignende situasjoner i fremtiden.

Wednesday 4. September 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 3. September 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 2. September 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 1. September 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 31. August 2019

No incidents reported

Friday 30. August 2019

No incidents reported

Thursday 29. August 2019

No incidents reported

Wednesday 28. August 2019

No incidents reported

Tuesday 27. August 2019

No incidents reported

Monday 26. August 2019

No incidents reported

Sunday 25. August 2019

No incidents reported

Saturday 24. August 2019

No incidents reported